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Contact Us

Please fill out the form below to be added to the customer list of Absolute Therapeutic Care/A/T.C in Rochester Hills, M.I. You will be provided with a highly skilled Myofascia Release and Massage Therapist. Please know that it may be necessary for you to be placed on a waiting list before getting an appointment date due to the ongoing treatments provided by Absolute Therapeutic Care. If you need to be waitlisted, A.T.C will assess the severity of your situation and place you appropriately on the list. Everything will be done to provide you with the therapeutic help that you need. Upon contacting A.T.C, you will be given a phone consultation free of charge, usually within 24 to 48 hours of your initial contact. Feel free to fill out the information below. However, you can also use the phone number provided on this website.

First Name:

Last Name:




Address 1:

Address 2:





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